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In Need of a Day School
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DOB: 08/12/2017
John Paul is one of 8 children whose father passed away from an unknown disease. Their family was never financially stable, and they couldn't...
DOB: 06/16/2016
The tragic loss of Divine's father in a car accident marked the beginning of a challenging period for her and her family. In the aftermath, Divine...
DOB: 09/22/2018
Mia's family has been grappling with financial constraints in their household. She resides with her parents and three siblings, all of whom depend...
DOB: 07/16/2018
Alexia, the youngest of four sisters, faces numerous challenges due to her father's recent imprisonment. He has been imprisoned for political...
DOB: 02/28/2010
Collins is a determined child with aspirations of becoming a doctor. However, the passing of his father has created significant financial...
DOB: 01/27/2017
Precious is one of four children. Their family is very poor, as their father is a local door to door compound cleaner in their village. His job...
DOB: 06/13/2012
Brian's situation is undoubtedly challenging, having lost his father in 2019 and being abandoned by his mother, he now relies on his aged...
DOB: 10/01/2010
Benitah lives with her mother who is a cook at St. Anthony's nursery school. Benitah's father left when her mother got pregnant so she has been...
DOB: 06/21/2015
After the loss of her husband, Jordan's mother has faced the daunting task of single-handedly raising her two children under challenging...
DOB: 09/17/2010
Kevin lives with her mother who washes clothes in the village for a very low wage. Her father died of malaria in 2013. She has been saving as much...